If more than 500 records matching the search are found, an error message informs the user to narrow their search criteria.The top of the page displays the search criteria entered by the user, the number of matches found, and the sort column
View Fields
The shipment number, scheduled ship from date, scheduled ship to date, and actual ship date are displayed. These fields assist in defining the shipment.
Shipment Number
The shipment number is displayed as the first data column
Any column on the results page can be sorted by clicking on the underlined column header.
If there are more than 50 records returned from a search, the results are divided into pages with 50 records each. The user can view the results of a page by clicking on the page link.
New Tracking Search
Click the New Track It! link to take you back to the tracking search page.
Shipment Detail
Click one of the shipment detail buttons to view the details for a specific shipment.